Friday, July 9, 2010

Advice from Ron Wolf, former GM of the Green Bay Packers

"Look around at your situation.  Examine your operation for complacency, for a sense of self-satisfaction, for a lack of determination.  The mind-set should be one of ambition, of striving to be better, of desiring to excel.  The elements of failure can be everywhere - employees flaunting rules, reporting late to work, leaving early, spending too much time complaining.

There has to be a purpose in what you do, and that purpose has to be understood and embraced by everyone in the organization. 

You need to put the TEAM first over anything else.  If priorities are different in your situation, you'll never be as good as you want.  This means instilling an obsession within your TEAM that dominates the landscape."

Each of us needs to examine these comments from our individual perspective and more importantly from the perspective of OUR TEAM!  If we are going to turn the corner what can you individually do to make a difference.  This means anything from working harder to influencing your teammates.  We have three weeks left before the end of the summer ... two contact days, three passing league games, three Fourth Quarter Fridays, and 9 weight room workouts ...  Be the DIFFERENCE MAKER for the PATRIOTS!


  1. Like Coach always says this is our team and we are in charge of it. The players that never come to weight room and still decide to come out for the team are the players that hold us back. For us to be good we need everyone in the weight room and to be self motivated to get better. I think if everyone thinks and realizes that this is our last couple of years to enjoy the sport of football together then maybe they will become more motivated. If you want to enjoy the rest of the years and win ball games I think we all know that the weight room is the first step to our success. By just having the same people at weight room gets us no where except personal greatness but in football there is no such thing as personal greatness it is all a team effort. We as individual players have to make it our goal to force the other people not at weight room to be be there. Although it feels like I am repeating what Coach Schwankee repeatly says but it is the most important step to having a succesful season in the coming years of Appleton East football.

  2. I agree with Michael this is are team and we all do need to show up to everything we can if it's Weight Room, fourth quater friday, or these mini camps. In order for us to be able to get better we all must want to or other wise we can never make it. We need 100% of are team to want that playoff shot and will give over 100% to see it happen at the end of the season.

  3. We are the ones that make a difference to whether or not this team is successful in the fall. That means getting in the weightroom, fouth quarter friday, going to mini-camps and passing leagues and busting our butts so that we get better. It also means getting on our teammates who are skipping out or making excuses not to go. If we are going to get better, the whole TEAM has to be working, not just a few dedicated individuals.

  4. I think we as a team have reached this point. We can only be satisfied if we are working to make ourselves better. Of all my years at East, the group we have now has, in my mind at least, proven to be the hardest-working team I have ever been a part of. If we continue to work like we have then we will achieve the results we want when the season rolls around.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It's come to the point where we have to realize that we only have 9 or 18 games minimum left in our careers, and that we can't keep pushing over till "next year". I think as a team we have really stepped it up this year, drastically more intense than years before, and I hope that it will pay off this fall. Keep working hard boys!

