Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Think about it!

A study conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported the following:

          Learners retain:
               10 percent of what they read;
               20 percent of what they hear;
               30 percent of what they see;
               50 percent of what they see and hear;
               70 percent of what they say;
               90 percent of what they say and do.


  1. This has to do with commitment because learners get their education by what they do. They can go through the motions by getting it done and not learning anything or they can actually get something out of it and learn something. With football it's the work you put into it to earn what wants to be earned. So you can be in weight room and go through the motions and not get anything out of it or you can go all out and progress.

  2. I also believe you learn from the mistakes you make. If we can all look back at our past seasons and find our flaws and mistakes we could all learn from them. By doing this we will all improve. Also i believe the majority of our mistakes would be from not going to the weight room.

  3. I agree with Michael it says that in order to compleatly get everything you must do more then just lissen or study the plays. You must do a little bit of both in order to understand wheatever it is better. You must pratice and keep trying, because you do learn from your mistakes and if we would all do what we have to and keep going over it most likely we will understand it when it comes to a game. We all most keep doing everything we can weight room and the camps that will be comeing up in the next couple weeks not just to make ourselfs better but the team as well.

  4. I interpret this as meaning we learn from our own actions. We are responsible for what we are able to retain, and it is our job to make sure we can learn. We can't just sit back and expect others to do work for us. We need to take responsibility for ourselves.

  5. To me this says that you can study up a subject such as football as much as you want, but it means close to nothing unless you take the initiative to do it.

  6. To me this means that we dont get better if we just sit back and watch. In order to get better we have to actually do something to make ourselves better. Practice makes perfect.

  7. the study says that you learn best by what you say and do, but it also says its not the only way to learn. you also retain what you hear so listen to what your coaches say. you also retain what you see so when the coaches send out video on hudl make sure you go and study the film.

  8. It's not just enough to be present at weightroom and practice, it's necessary to thoroughly put your heart and soul into it, in order to not cheat yourself or your teammates.

