Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Prove It!

A great story has made the rounds about a scrawny, seeming undernourished old man who entered a restaurant and asked who he needed to see to get a job at a nearby lumberjack camp.  "You don't need to go far," the restaurant owner replied as he pointed to a nearby booth.  "The supervisor is having lunch right over there."

The jobseeker approached the supervisor and exclaimed, "I'm looking for a lumberjack job."  The boss politely tried to talk him out of the idea.  Surely this weak old man wouldn't be able to fell a tree let alone keep up with the daily quotas.  "Give me a few minutes of your time and I'll show you what I can do," suggested the old man.

When the two arrived at a grove needing to be cleared, the slender, persistent old man picked up an axe and proceeded to chop down a huge tree in record time.  "That's incredible," the boss said.  "Where did you learn to fell trees like that?"  "Well," said the old man, "you've heard of the Sahara Forest?"  Hesitantly the boss replied, "Don't you mean the Sahara Desert?"  The old man produced a smile and said, "Sure, that's what it's called now."

Achievers are producers.  They understand the world will not recognize them for what they could have done, should have done, or would have done.  Recognition is experienced by proving what you can do by doing it.


  1. To me, this sounds very similar to the Leadership by example quote. Meaning that a leader can come from anywhere as long as they can work hard to live in the moment by preparing for the future aswell as prove that actions speak louder than words.

  2. I agree with Duley, it's just like the don't judge a book by it's cover we can not judge another team by the record or where they are from are biggest enemy is the one that we don't or can't see comeing. Silent is dealdy!!!!

  3. The title of this post is Prove It, but in my opinion, we don't have to prove anything to anybody. We all know how hard we've worked so far, and as far as I'm concerned, that's all that matters. As for recognition, I'm not concerned with that either. I play for myself and my teammates. However, that doesn't mean we should stop working hard. We need to keep working like we have since November.

  4. The old man knew of what he was capable of doing and had all the confidence he needed to prove he was worthy. As a team, with all of the hard work spent in the weight room since November, we have everything needed to prove that we are the best team in the FVA. This will come only if we believe in ourselves like the old man did and commit to achieve our goal.

  5. I really like the quote the man says, "Give me a few minutes of your time and I'll show you what I can do." This can be looked at two different ways by our football team. First, underclassmen don't think for a second that you cant play friday nights because you are young. Sure you may not get as many reps in practice or whatever but when you are given those few minutes, strive on the opportunity and show the coached what you have.
    Second, upperclassmen just because you may have started in the past doesn't mean your spot in locked up. It's a new season and players change. Everyone has to earn their spot again.

  6. We don't have to prove anything to anybody except our team. We should let our shoulder pads and helmets do our talking. Just like the old man he proved himself by just saying give me a second of your time. And i think that second of time is when anybody gets the opportunity to cross the line into a game. When you get that opportunity prove to yourself and your teammates you can play. Know your capabilities to doing your assignment just like the old man knew his. Do your job and execute.

  7. This story is a story about judgement. Well you take this scenario into football, that kid is to small, hes to weak, hes not fast enough. This is what this man proves to this boss. You dont have to look like everyone else. If youre different you can be capable of the same things, in this case more things.

  8. This story demonstrates that it doesn't matter what others perceive you to be able to do, all that matters is that you know what you are capable of, and that you can get the job done when under pressure. The old man knew what he was capable of doing, and instead of becoming frustrated at the boss's initial reaction, when the time came to prove his worthiness, he got the job done. I think that is the mentality that we as a football team need to instill, that it doesn't matter what the other team thinks of us, it's what we know we are capable of.

    -Noah Savoie
