Monday, May 17, 2010

"You bring your own weather to a picnic."


  1. This one's hard but I think it says that if you are in a bad mood then the rest of the team will be in that same mood. So if you are going into a game saying we are going to win then no one will think we can win and we won’t. Mood is contagious!

  2. I agree with Kyle on how this one has to do with one's mood. If you're having a picnic and it starts to rain, the picnic is pretty much ruined. How this relates to football is by your mood. If during the game you commit a mistake and let it bother you the rest of the game, your mood most likely will change negatively and make you lose your focus zone as well for your teammates.

  3. When things go bad during a game you have a decision to make, you can choose to make things worse by being negative, or you can choose to try and make things better by encouraging your teamates by bringing a positive attitude to the weight room or on to the field

  4. I think the other guys hit this one right on the head. You are in charge of your own attitude, but it can be affected by those around you. If we have guys acting in a negative way, the morale of the entire team will be affected negatively. We must stay positive at all times, even if we have to do something we don't want to do.

  5. Also if someone makes a mistake don't laugh because that affects the team as well. We need everybody to get better and by staying positive and loyal to your teammates it helps everyone. Be positive.

  6. You control what is going to happen in everything you do. If you go into a game against a talented team (Kimberly, Appleton North) with the attitude that our team will loose, you attitude will show through in your play on the field. We need to go into every game with a quiet confidence and a winning mentality in order to succeed

  7. I think this simply says that we can't control what other teams do, only what we do.

  8. I believe that this is saying that no one else, not our teammates, not our coaches, not our parents can bring the mentality, that innate focus that we need when approaching a game. It is up to us whether or not we show up mentally as well as physically, and that is something that we must each do in order to be successful.

    -Noah Savoie
